ASU Week 3 - Home Stretch

My professional goals a year from now would be to have a job lined up for me right out of college, and be able to move to Colorado with my girlfriend would be the best-case scenario for a one-year goal. 5 years from now would be to have my side job up and running that I want to do. I'm really into photography and I want to be able to be a freelancer and work weddings, portraits, or even do marketing photos for a company. Having that extra income would be really nice five years from now. Now, ten years from now I would like to have a stable living situation in Colorado with the perfect job that I can support me and my family, having accomplished these goals would ultimately benefit my family and everyone around me. Some societal changes that we need to take care of now would be the environment because ten years from now we could be dealing with an even bigger issue with the climate. 20 years from now I think we should consider the fact that Arizona may have no water to have for the state, the water reservoirs we have are slowly depleting and we may be in trouble 20 years from now. I think what I am optimistic about is getting to the point where I can have my bills on auto-pay. It's the simplest thing, but honestly, it's the best feeling being able to just be stable enough where you're not concerned about if you have enough money to pay for your bills and not get over-drafted or not be able to pay your bills. That the only thing I'm looking forward to.


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